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The Orchid Principle  


Lesson B-409 The Orchid Principle               $49

Referrals are the life blood of nearly every successful business, and The Orchid Principle is a revolutionary way to create an endless pipeline of referrals from your best clients.

As you will see, this system focuses on growing your business from your existing clientele just like you do when you grow Orchids. Orchids actually have a lot in common with your business. You need to nurture orchids very carefully just like you should be nurturing your current client base.

Orchids will thrive for up to a year with proper care. Your business will thrive as well, under the care and instruction of this principle. Generating referrals, positive rapport through regular communication, and an appropriate pipeline of networking will keep your client base growing exponentially throughout your career.
One of the oldest rules in the book is that it's much more expensive to get new customers than it is to maintain your base and get more business from your existing customers.
Most businesses don't follow this rule and wind up investing way too much time and money in chasing new clients and too little in doing additional repeat business with their existent clients.
In The Orchid Principle lesson we'll show you how to build upon the clients you already serve. When you have a satisfied client they are almost automatically predisposed to purchase again by either purchasing more and/or purchasing something different.
There are 10 steps to this principle and you'll learn them all.
When you've discovered how this principle works and know how to use it to your benefit just watch as the floodgates open to new business from your current customers, thus keeping them close to you and far away from your competition.

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